2011 NALSWD Conference

General Information

When: Friday, January 21 – Sunday, January 23, 2011
Where: San Francisco, CA at Golden Gate University School of Law (536 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105)

Please Register Now!

Conference Information

The 2011 NALSWD conference promises to be an exciting, information-filled weekend with many opportunities to strategize about employment, advocacy, and community. Whether your interests are in public interest law, government work, working for a large private law firm, or something else, the weekend is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with many lawyers and law students with disabilities who are leaders in their respective fields.

We will also be campaigning for leadership positions for next year and having a group discussion about what NALSWD’s priorities for the next year should be. 1Ls and 2Ls with a passion and vision for NALSWD’s future are strongly encouraged to be a part of that discussion.

A Tentative Schedule is available as is an extensive FAQ about the conference. In addition, thanks to very generous donations, we are able to offer some limited subsidies for travel to the conference. For full details on how to apply, read our Apply for Travel Funding page.

The 2011 conference will be held at Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, CA. We encourage you to book your flights through San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and Golden Gate University is easily accessible from the Montgomery BART station. Lodging recommendations include a range of possibilities for all budgets.

Please feel free to contact  with any questions you have.

If you would like to be involved in helping put the conference together, from fundraising to finalizing details on the ground to inviting speakers, we also would love your input! Or if your law school requires a specific invitation or other documentation in order to sponsor your travel (which many schools will), we would love to assist in that.

We look forward to greeting all of you in January!

We also want to extend our deepest thanks to all of our donors whose generous support has made this conference possible!

Conference Donors: Golden Gate University, SALSDR, Microsoft, Morrison Foerster, The Morrison & Foerster Foundation, Google, Brown Goldstein Levy, Alston & Bird, Wildman Harrold, Jackson Walker, and Barnes & Thornburg

Conference Donors: Golden Gate University, SALSDR, Microsoft, Morrison Foerster, The Morrison & Foerster Foundation, Google, Brown Goldstein Levy, Alston & Bird, Wildman Harrold, Jackson Walker, and Barnes & Thornburg
