Advocacy & Press
- NALSWD 8th Annual Conference, in Baltimore, MD (November 20-21, 2015).
- Past NALSWD Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Benoit serves as a featured presenter in the New Jersey State Bar Association's webinar and CLE, "Succeeding as an Attorney with a Disability in New Jersey: From Overcoming Barriers to Getting Ahead and Staying on Top," discussing strategies that disabled attorneys and law students can use to overcome barriers in legal education and legal practice (October 29, 2015).
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios participates in the ABA Law Student Division's webinar "Diversity Resources in the ABA Law Student Division," discussing NALSWD and resources for law students with disabilities (September 30, 2015). Watch the webinar at
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios is interviewed in the National Law Journal article "Victory for Disability Advocates: Ruling Eases Process for Accommodations on LSAT" (August 17, 2015). See
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios is featured by the ABA Commission on Disability Rights in their Law Student Spotlight (July 2015). See
- NALSWD is mentioned in the ABA Journal article titled "The Biggest Hurdle for Lawyers with Disabilities: Preconceptions" (June 2015). See preconceptions
- NALSWD partners with the 2nd Annual National Diversity Pre-Law Conference and participates in the Conference's Diversity Resources Fair on April 10, 2015 in Washington, DC. NALSWD was represented at the Diversity Resources Fair by past President Angeli Rios and Finance Committee Junior Officer Daniel Villard.
As a partner, NALSWD was featured in the Diversity Pre-Law Conference's Official 2015 Souvenir Program on pgs. 24 & 105:

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- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios participates in a Twitter Chat hosted by the National Diversity Pre-Law Conference surrounding the topic of Diversity and the Law School Experience (April 1, 2015). Read the entire Twitter Chat at

- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios is interviewed in an ABC2 News article titled "Advocates Attempt to Shine Light on 'Invisible' Disabilities" (March 26, 2015). See
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios & past Vice President Michael Iseri are featured in the National Law Journal article "Next Round in LSAT Disability Fight: Test Administrator Resisting Pressure to Ease Accommodations for the Disabled" (March 16, 2015). See
- NALSWD signs the ADA National Network's Proclamation to Recommit to Full Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the ADA on July 26, 2015 (January 2015). See
- Past NALSWD International Liaison Rahul Bajaj releases statement on announcing volunteer opportunities for law students across the globe to participate in NALSWD (December 2014). See
- NALSWD joins the Student Disability Organizing Network, a recently created network of campus disabled student organizations. The SDON serves as a platform to facilitate connections between disability campus groups, as well as to enhance individual and collective student organizing of these disability groups
(November 2014).
- NALSWD is mentioned in the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS)'s Fall 2014 Diversity Committee Newsletter in the article titled "Advancing Disability Diversity and Inclusion in Law Schools" (November 2014). See (must be an ABA TIPS member to login and view)
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios speaks at University of Maryland Baltimore's Disability Awareness Month Student Panel, discussing the experience of being a student with a disability, issues currently impacting disabled students both inside & out of the classroom, and ways to promote acceptance and empowerment (October 30, 2014).
- Past NALSWD President Angeli Rios is interviewed in a US News & World Report article titled "Explore Law School Options for Nontraditional Applicants" (July 2014). See
- NALSWD 7th Annual Conference, in Washington DC (March 15, 2014).
- Past NALSWD Chief Information Officer Rebecca Wylie is featured by the ABA Commission on Disability Rights in their Law Student Spotlight (2014). See stu/wylie_r.html
- Past NALSWD President Patrick Dennis is featured by the ABA Commission on Disability Rights in their Law Student Spotlight (November 2013). See dennis_p.html
- NALSWD's involvement as an amicus in LSAC v. State of California, Case No. 34-2013-00135574, is reported on in the National Law Journal. See
- NALSWD signs on to an amici brief with several organizations in LSAC v. State of California, Case No. 34-2013-00135574 (August 22, 2013), appealing the grant of a motion of the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for a preliminary injunction barring the enforcement of section 99161.5 of the Education Code (added by Stats. 2012, ch. 583 (AB 2012)). The amici brief urges LSAC to end their practice of flagging LSAT scores of tests-takers who received extended time as an accommodations on the exam. See amici brief below:

lsac_v_state_of_california_-_amici_brief_00348510.pdf | |
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- Past NALSWD Executive Director of Advocacy Kevin Fritz is featured by the ABA Commission on Disability Rights in their Law Student Spotlight (June 2013). See spotlight_stu/fritz_k.html
- NALSWD 6th Annual Conference, in Chicago, Illinois (March 22-24, 2013).
- NALSWD signs on to an amici letter with several organizations in LSAC v. State of California, Case No. 34-2013-00135574 (January 24, 2013), opposing the motion of the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for a preliminary injunction barring the enforcement of section 99161.5 of the Education Code (added by Stats. 2012, ch. 583 (AB 2012)). The amici letter urges LSAC to end their practice of flagging LSAT scores of tests-takers who received extended time as an accommodation on the exam. See amici letter below:

lsac_v_state_of_california_-_amici_letter_00304023.pdf | |
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- NALSWD officially supports U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (2013). See (updated list of official CRPD supporters can be found at
- Past NALSWD Executive Director of Advocacy Kevin Fritz joins the Executive Board of the National Youth Leadership Network (November 2012). See
- Past NALSWD Executive Director of Advocacy Kevin Fritz's guide written on taking the LSAT for students with disabilities is mentioned in a National Law Journal article about the LSAT (October 22, 2012). See
- Past NALSWD Chief Information Officer Kathryn Carroll speaks at an ABA Commission on Disability Rights brown bag lunch panel celebrating the 22nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (2012).
Past NALSWD Membership Director Patrick Dennis attends the ABA 3rd National Conference on Employment of Lawyers with Disabilities in Washington, DC (May 8, 2012).
- Past NALSWD President Elizabeth Kolbe is interviewed in an article for Student Lawyer, a publication of the ABA Law Student Division (April 2012). See
- NALSWD teams up with representatives from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) to work on higher education issues (March 13, 2012). See
- Past NALSWD Presidents Stephanie Enyart and Rebecca Williford speak at the Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities National Conference in Minneapolis, MN (2007).

- NALSWD founding President Stephanie Enyart is featured in the blog, Ms. J.D. See